Day 1 & 2: Departure

We leave Kendari on February 13th around noon. We have a long road ahead of us today!
Lire la suiteWe leave Kendari on February 13th around noon. We have a long road ahead of us today!
Lire la suiteIn preparation for a series of upcoming expeditions, Naturevolution has conducted various explorations in recent years, most recently in early […]
Lire la suiteMadagascar – In the summer of 2018, two of Naturevolution’s field missions to protect the Makay massif in Madagascar were accompanied by eco-volunteers. Back on these missions and the actions carried out thanks to the presence of 15 people.
Lire la suiteThe first day of trekking is being prepared this morning from the first base camp. We spread out the boats and bags, then we dive gently into the forest just after taking a group photo. We are moving at a good pace, especially in the early hours.
Lire la suiteNaturevolution launches the crowdfunding campaign: Naturevolution’s Heroes. A campaign to encourage you to support its teams committed to the planet every day.
Lire la suiteAt the end of 2019, we completed the construction of two new schools in the villages of North Makay, which will greatly improve the schooling of children in Makay. Short detour through the country schools of Madagascar.
Lire la suiteWe took advantage of a few days in Kendari to finalize the preparation of our material. While a team was taking care of the last purchases, antoine and memed (President of Naturevolution Indonesia) and I left for a mission…
Lire la suiteThe “dematerialization” of the economy is a deception: digital technology has never been so dependent on raw materials. The pollution and waste generated are astronomical. Let’s go through the subject, from the mine to the buyer, through the solutions.
Lire la suiteWhy protect forests? If you have to choose between a destructive tradition that works in the short term, and a conservation strategy that is out of the ordinary and requires a little change in lifestyles, it is good to take stock of the real stakes of forest protection – those of Makay in Madagascar, of course!
Lire la suiteShould the year 2020 simply be forgotten ? One might – at Naturevolution, as in many other organisations – be […]
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