We offer year-round ecovolunteering missions on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, around the fabulous Konawe karsts.
If you support the values and causes we stand for, if you wish to contribute to the preservation of this magnificent region and to the well-being of isolated populations or experience a moment out of time, make unforgettable encounters, observe marvellous animals and expend your energy exploring one of the most beautiful places on the planet : ecovolunteering missions are made for you !
Why choose to travel with us?
- To help protect one of the planet’s biodiversity hotspots, an island considered to be the last refuge of unique flora and fauna, and in particular to help restore a magnificent coastal environment endangered by plastic waste pollution,
- To share extraordinary adventures and forge strong bonds of friendship… in short, to live an intense and unforgettable experience,
- A rare and beneficial opportunity to disconnect and recharge your batteries to the rhythm of nature, the sea, the songs of the birds in the forest…
- For the chance to delve into ecosystems – those of the Wallacea – that are among the richest in biodiversity, but also the most inaccessible and threatened.
- If you are a student, you may be eligible for an internship.
Or because you’re tired of living illegally ! Indeed, the French Constitution’s Environmental Charter states that the environment is the common heritage of all human beings, and that “everyone has a duty to participate in preserving and improving the environment”.
“We had a wonderful and so rich experience discovering Matarape Bay. The mission allowed us to meet a warm-hearted population and to understand the fragility of this ecosystem and the many issues involved in waste management. I highly recommend it! – Ecovolunteer testimonial, February 2020.

Where do we act?
Since 2012, Naturevolution has been exploring the isolated Konawe karsts on the southeast branch of the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, one of the planet’s last “Lost Worlds”. A biogeographical zone as inaccessible as it is exceptional. The region is made up of a mountainous area (the Matarombeo massif) and a wild archipelago of heavenly islets (Matarape Bay). Faced with the many environmental crimes in this region, we have chosen to focus our conservation efforts initially on the coastal part of the territory.
The island of Sulawesi, with its mosaic of habitats, boasts extraordinary levels of endemism – almost 80% of amphibians, a third of birds and 98% of terrestrial mammals are endemic to the island. Its karst massifs, for example, are home to the world’s largest concentration of butterflies and oldest rock paintings, while its coral reefs are among the richest on the planet.

Why are we going down this road?
The answer is simple: because the island of Sulawesi is home to one of the world’s richest natural and archaeological heritages and that this fabulous region is systematically and massively undergoing irreversible and unacceptable damage particularly as a result of the rapid development of nickel mines, palm oil plantations and plastic waste pollution…
- Commercial plantations of oil palm and sugar cane are steadily expanding and rapidly reducing forest cover. These days, you can hardly go anywhere without hearing the sound of a chainsaw, or seeing entire slopes of forest on fire.
- Nickel mines are developing at a breathtaking pace, particularly along the coast. In addition to systematically razing forests, they also have a terrifying impact on coral reefs. Exposed land causes uncontrolled discharge of lateritic sludge during the heavy rains that are so frequent in this region – sludge that suffocates the corals.
- As for plastics, they are widely used, even though there is no waste recovery, treatment or recycling system in place. Astronomical quantities of plastic are thus thrown directly into rivers or the sea. These drifting plastics end up in the stomachs of marine animals or on beaches.
Needless to say, action is urgently required!

What are we doing in the field?
During our missions, we work on waste management through several concrete activities:
- Awareness-raising in the form of meetings with villagers or school talks,
- Waste collection (in villages, on beaches and fringing reefs) with local residents.
- Collection, sorting and recycling of plastic waste in our workshop in Kendari.

We are also involved in mangrove reforestation and coral transplantation.
We also observe marine species (fish, invertebrates and corals) via regular snorkeling dives, to improve our knowledge of the area.
During your assignment, you will take part in some or all of these actions. Around two-thirds of your time will be devoted to these activities.
Note that :
Our missions are not tourism, so they don’t have a fixed program specifically designed for you. As an ecovolunteer, you will support the day-to-day activities of our team.
The list of actions carried out during these missions can therefore only be communicated to you a dew weeks before departure, as we adapt to the schedule of our teams, to the most urgent needs and priorities of the moment, as well as to the number of registered ecovolunteers and the season.
Naturevolution reserves the right to modify at any time the order and list of actions to be carried out during missions in order to adapt to unforeseen needs and events.

Because a few pictures are worth a thousand words…

Who do we work with?

Our missions are carried out in the field by our local branch, the Naturevolution Indonesia association, and also draw on the experience of a few members of the Toli Toli Giant Clam Conservation association, which has been involved in protecting the marine environment of Matarape Bay for some ten years. Most Naturevolution Indonesia members speak English, which facilitates communication and activities.
We also work closely with local authorities, notably through the tourism offices of the districts concerned (North Konawe and Morowali) and the province of Southeast Sulawesi.

How do we live in the field?
- We travel from beach to beach aboard a local boat, ensuring total logistical autonomy,
- Our different base camps (in personal tents) are each set up on a beach. We sleep under the stars, lulled by the gentle sound of the waves,
- We spend most of our days in the great outdoors, by or even in the water. We also visit a number of coastal villages,
- We eat food bought in Kendari, enhanced by locally caught fish and local fruit and vegetables,
- Everyone helps with the dishes,
- We collect fresh water from wells and rivers, filter it or boil it,
- Some meals are taken in the villages.
“This life in the wilderness has turned out to be rather comfortable, and above all a source of friendships and good laughs!”

Who are the ecovolunteers?
We welcome applications from people of all ages (from 18 upwards, or younger if parents agree), as long as you’re agile on land and underwater, and of all skills and nationalities, without discrimination.
“Only desire, enthusiasm and motivation count”.
No special scientific background nor diploma is required.
The only requirements are that you are :
- checked by a doctor before departure to ensure you’re in top physical condition
- able to speak French, English or Spanish
- smiling, pleasant to be around and with energy to spare !

How long do missions last?
Our missions last from 2 to 6 weeks.
And for even more enjoyment, it’s possible to combine multiple missions and stay for as long as you wish within the maximum duration of the tourist visa !
How is your reception organized?
We will meet you on Sunday evening at Kendari Airport (code KDI) or at the hotel that we will specify (in downtown Kendari), which you can easily reach by taxi (€7 / 100,000rp maximum) if you arrive earlier. We will share a first welcome meal in the city of Kendari. The Sunday night accommodation is covered. We head out to the field early the next morning.
At the end of the mission, we will take you back to Kendari on Friday evening where the hotel night is also covered, so you can catch your return flight early Saturday morning.

Dates and prices
You can use the available filters to refine your search (for example, search for ‘August’).
Dates of next missions
23 décembre 2024 | 3 janvier 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
23 décembre 2024 | 3 janvier 2025 | 2 semaines | 2990 € (EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE) |
3 février 2025 | 14 février 2025 | 2 semaines | 2200 € (PLONGEE) |
17 février 2025 | 28 février 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
7 avril 2025 | 18 avril 2025 | 2 semaines | 2990 € (EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE) |
21 avril 2025 | 2 mai 2025 | 2 semaines | 2990 € (EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE) |
7 avril 2025 | 2 mai 2025 | 4 semaines | 4990 € (EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE) |
12 mai 2025 | 23 mai 2025 | 2 semaines | 2200 € (PLONGEE) |
2 juin 2025 | 13 juin 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
23 juin 2025 | 4 juillet 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
7 juillet 2025 | 18 juillet 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
21 juillet 2025 | 1 août 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
4 août 2025 | 15 août 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
18 août 2025 | 29 août 2025 | 2 semaines | 2200 € (PLONGEE) |
8 septembre 2025 | 19 septembre 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
29 septembre 2025 | 10 octobre 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
20 octobre 2025 | 31 octobre 2025 | 2 semaines | 2200 € (PLONGEE) |
3 novembre 2025 | 14 novembre 2025 | 2 semaines | 2990 € (EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE) |
24 novembre 2025 | 5 décembre 2025 | 2 semaines | 2990 € (EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE) |
8 décembre 2025 | 19 décembre 2025 | 2 semaines | 2990 € (EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE) |
24 novembre 2025 | 19 décembre 2025 | 4 semaines | 4990 € (EXPLORATION SCIENTIFIQUE) |
8 décembre 2025 | 19 décembre 2025 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
22 décembre 2025 | 2 janvier 2026 | 2 semaines | 1800 € |
Tax deduction
The entire cost of your mission, including the plane ticket, is tax deductible up to 66% for an individual, 75% if you are subject to the IFI (French Solidarity Tax on Wealth), and 60% for businesses.
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi ?
En tant qu’écovolontaire, vous intervenez comme bénévole de Naturevolution. A ce titre, tous les frais que vous engagez – dans la mesure où ils sont indispensables pour permettre la bonne réalisation de votre mission – sont remboursables par celle-ci, sauf si vous déclarez que vous renoncez au remboursement de ces frais, autrement dit que vous en faites don à l’association. Dans ce cas, ces frais sont alors considérés comme un don et ouvrent donc droit – comme un don classique – à une défiscalisation à hauteur de 66% pour un particulier (plafonné à 20% des revenus), de 75% si vous êtes assujetti·e à l’IFI (plafonné à 50.000€) et de 60% pour les entreprises (plafonné à 10.000€ ou 0,5% du CA HT si ce chiffre est plus élevé).
Les frais de gestion et logistiques (environ 35% du coût total) ainsi que les frais de transport que vous aurez engagés de votre côté (billet d’avion, de trains et hôtels éventuels) entrent dans ce cadre. En ce qui concerne les frais de gestion et logistiques, votre renoncement à leur remboursement sera mentionné dans le contrat signé avant votre départ et vous recevrez le reçu fiscal correspondant à l’issue de la mission.
Quant aux frais complémentaires (billet d’avion, de trains et hôtels éventuels), une fois la mission achevée, nous vous demanderons les factures et la lettre de renonciation au remboursement de ces frais afin de vous éditer le reçu fiscal correspondant.
Les 65% restants (environ) sont, eux, purement un don en faveur de notre programme de conservation à Sulawesi qui donnera lieu à l’édition d’un reçu fiscal de notre part à l’issue de la mission.
L’ensemble du montant de la mission est donc déductible de vos impôts.
Ainsi, si vous êtes un particulier partant sur une mission de 3 semaines (par exemple 2200€) et si vous trouvez un billet d’avion à 1000€, votre mission ne vous coûtera, après déduction fiscale, que (2200€ + 1000€) – 66% = 1088€.
Il est à noter que si vous ne payez pas d’impôts cette année ou si votre versement excède les plafonds mentionnés, la déductibilité fiscale peut être reportée sur les 5 années suivant celle du don.
Enfin, nous soulignons que, dans la mesure où nos missions se déroulent à l’étranger, cette défiscalisation sur les frais engagés n’est possible que parce que le but est de protéger l’environnement ou de mener des recherches scientifiques ou encore de participer à des œuvres humanitaires. C’est la raison pour laquelle, d’une part nous insistons sur le fait que nos missions ne sont ni des vacances, ni du tourisme mais qu’elles engagent l’écovolontaire à donner de son temps et de son énergie, et d’autre part, nous réalisons un rapport de chacune de nos missions. Ce rapport nous sert de preuve de la réelle implication et mobilisation de nos écovolontaires en cas de contrôle fiscal. Aussi, dans le cas où un écovolontaire refuserait de participer aux actions proposées, nous nous réservons le droit de ne pas émettre le document officiel (reçu fiscal) ouvrant droit à la défiscalisation de ses frais.
If you register for 2 people, the rates are reduced by 10%.
If you register for 3 people or more, the rates are reduced by 20%.
If you have already participated in a mission with us (in Madagascar or Indonesia), you receive a 10% discount. If you have completed 2 missions or more, this discount increases to 20%.
These discounts are not cumulative ; the discount applied will be the most advantageous for you.
It also happens that we offer last-minute promotions to increase the number of registrations and ensure the departure of missions.
It should be noted that these promotions are not retroactive, meaning they do not apply to individuals who were previously registered before the implementation of the promotion.
Individuals who decide to cancel their registration to re-register again hoping to benefit from the promotion will be denied this possibility.
Are you in? Then contact us !

© Evrard Wendenbaum / Naturevolution
Breakdown of trip price

Logistics costs include :
- Transportation*, meals, hotel accommodation
- The on-site mission management team
- Equipment required for the mission
- Pre-organization to ensure that everything runs smoothly during your stay
* Note that transport is our main cost item because :
- la location du bateau à moteur qui nous permet d’atteindre puis de mener nos opérations dans l’archipel Sombori-Labengki est relativement coûteuse ;
- les trajets en pirogue sur la rivière Lalindu pour atteindre le massif de Matarombeo sont également très coûteux.
Management fees include :
- Monitoring and evaluating the results and impact of missions
- Mission promotion initiatives
- Administrative processing of registrations
- Repatriation and civil liability insurance
- Membership of Naturevolution
The donation to the conservation program will help finance :
- Wages paid to project staff in the field throughout the year
- Research and development of strategies and means of action to safeguard the region’s ecosystems in the long term
- Team travel required for project development
- Day-to-day management and fund-raising in France, essential to the success of the conservation program
- Purchases and investments to support the development and smooth running of projects
The cost of missions does not include :
- International flight + airport taxes
- Personal equipment (tent, clothes, shoes, sleeping bags, water bottle, backpack, headlamps, etc.)
- Antimalarials and vaccines
- The visa
- Extra drinks, snacks and souvenirs
- Hotel accommodation and any other expenses outside the official mission dates
- Air ticket cancellation insurance

Are you dreaming about it but short on cash? Think crowdfunding!
We can help you raise the necessary funds from your friends and family, your networks, or organize fundraising events (craft sales, screenings, etc.).
To find out more, click here : Crowdfunding

Other business
How much cash should I bring?
On site, there will be very few opportunities to spend money and, as costs in Sulawesi are never too high, we think you’ll do very well on around 50 euros per mission.
Do I need insurance?
Repatriation and third-party liability insurance for the entire duration of the mission will be automatically taken out for you with our insurer, MAIF, when you make your payment. But you can take out additional insurance if you wish.
Do I need a visa?
Nos missions écovolontaires s’apparentent, au regard de la loi indonésienne, à un séjour touristique organisé par notre partenaire local. Il vous faudra donc demander un visa tourisme à votre arrivée (VOA) à l’aéroport de Jakarta pour un coût d’environ 35 US$ ou 500.000 IDR. Des distributeurs de billets prenant les cartes internationales permettent de retirer des roupies indonésiennes si vous n’avez pas de dollars en arrivant. Si vous comptez rester dans le pays plus de 30 jours, ce visa pourra également être prolongé (max. 60 jours) sans ressortir du pays, moyennant des formalités relativement rapides et quelques coûts supplémentaires. Pour plus d’informations, consultez cette page.
What will the weather be like in Sulawesi?
It will rain at times, but by the sea the weather is generally fine. Temperatures will be summery, between 25° and 35° during the day, but with humidity levels approaching 100%. Fortunately, we’ll be able to swim every day in water at over 25°.
How many of us will there be?
Our missions involve a maximum of ten ecovolunteers, but a minimum of 4 is required to validate a departure.
Is it dangerous to travel to Sulawesi?
Indonesia is a vast country made up of countless islands, and generally speaking it’s a safe place to travel: provided you observe a few rules of good conduct and common sense, as in any other country.
Can I arrive and/or leave outside the dates indicated?
Unfortunately, it’s difficult to get to or from our missions en route for obvious reasons of transport logistics in this very remote region.
On the other hand, outside the mission dates, you can stay in Indonesia and travel around the country on your own.
How can I be contacted during my assignment?
Due to the remoteness of our field sites, conventional telephone communications are – more often than not – not easy: so don’t expect to be able to call your loved ones during the mission. However, a slight mobile network will regularly be available to send eventual WA messages. On the safety front, a boat will always be present, allowing us to deal with emergencies.
What vaccinations are required to visit Sulawesi?
Anti-malarial treatment, such as malarone, may be recommended.
As far as vaccinations are concerned, only those against hepatitis A and B and typhoid fever are recommended. Check that your DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-poliomyelitis) vaccination is up-to-date.
This advice is provided for information only and does not replace medical advice.
What are the cancellation conditions?
Cancellation by the ecovolunteer :
- if the cancellation is made more than 2 months before departure, it will be free of charge and the volunteer will be reimbursed in full,
- if cancellation occurs between 2 months and 1 month before departure, a “deposit” will be retained (600€),
- if cancellation occurs less than one month before departure, the volunteer will not be eligible for a refund and the full amount of your payment will be retained, except in cases of force majeure or proven medical reason, duly justified.
Cancellation by Naturevolution :
- In the event of non-payment of the participation fee one month before the mission, the ecovolunteer’s reservation will be cancelled and the 600€ deposit will be retained,
- In the event of cancellation of the mission for logistical reasons or if there are fewer than 4 participants, or in the event of other unforeseeable circumstances, the sums paid will be reimbursed in full by Naturevolution.
In view of the difficulty of accessing the site, Naturevolution reserves the right to cancel the mission, in particular in the event of force majeure, damage or meteorological imperative, at any time prior to departure, without any obligation other than reimbursement of the sums paid to Naturevolution.
Such cancellation does not give rise to any right to compensation. In this respect, Naturevolution asks the volunteer to take the necessary precautions (cancellation insurance, changeable plane tickets) when booking plane tickets to Kendari on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, and declines all responsibility in the event of additional costs linked to the modification or cancellation of his or her tickets for any reason whatsoever.
We recommend taking out comprehensive cancellation insurance.

Interested in volunteering with us?
If you would like to take part in one of our ecovolunteer missions, or if you have any questions before deciding, please fill in the pre-registration form below. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible to explain how our missions normally run, give you the steps to take before you leave, present details of our actions in the field, and answer any questions you may have.

Your contact
Tojo Rabefaritra
In charge of ecovolunteer missions

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English translation made possible thanks to the PerMondo project: Free translation of website and documents for non-profit organisations. A project managed by Mondo Agit. Translator: Cressida McDermott[/tp]