Use Lilo to help Naturevolution!
The Lilo search engine donates 50% of advertising revenues to the association of your choice. You can help Naturevolution on a daily basis, free of charge. Lilo uses results from Google, Bing and Yahoo, but respects your privacy.
How do I install Lilo? Here’s a step-by-step guide to installing Lilo in your Chrome browser. Same method for Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer, with the links redirecting you to the right place. On smartphones, the page will redirect you to the corresponding app.
1. Install the Lilo plugin
Go to and click on‘Add to Chrome‘ :
You will be redirected to the Chrome plug-in platform. Click on ‘Add to Chrome’ :
Confirm the pop-up that opens:
Lilo is installed, but there’s more to come! Now you need to tell him that you’d like to support Naturevolution.
2. Configure Lilo to support Naturevolution
Return to It is imperative to use this link as Naturevolution is not yet a ‘public project’ on Lilo and will therefore not appear in the search results on the projects page.
Go down to “Give your Water drops” and activate the option :
The option is set to On and it’s all good!
You can now use Lilo directly by typing a search in the address bar or by going to Thank you!
3. And on smartphones?
There are two ways to use Lilo on a smartphone:
- The easiest way is to use the Lilo browser to surf the web instead of your usual browser. You can download the Lilo app from Google Play and the App Store.
- If you don’t want to change your mobile browser, you can add Lilo to the search engines available on your browser (if your browser supports this option). Start by going to using your usual mobile browser, and do a search. The browser will prompt you to add this search engine (for Firefox, a long click in the search bar brings up the option, as shown below).
In either case, don’t forget to configure Lilo to automatically give your drops to Naturevolution by visiting our Lilo page: