We took advantage of a few days in Kendari to finalize the preparation of our material.
While a team was taking care of the last purchases, antoine and memed (President of Naturevolution Indonesia) and I went on a mission to flock the equipment. We carry with us 3 big bags which include the Packrafts provided by Mekong Packraft, T-shirts, trousers, caps and Backpacks provided by Lafuma. We spend at least 2 hours with the team of the company Sablon Kaos in order to clarify our expectations for flocking.
Memed on the left and Evrard on the right are preparing to flock the Packrafts.
I have enormous concerns about our energy capabilities during the expedition. The drone, the osmo, the phones, the iPad, the GPS, the headphones. Everything consumes a lot of energy and it would be such a shame not to be able to shoot because of that. Anyway, there are a lot of things that don’t go perfectly and it’s stressful. It also adds costs, a hell of a waste of time and last but not least a considerable extra weight on our backs. I’m a little concerned about the final weight of our bags.
Another important problem is that we still haven’t received the mini-bottles of gas that will allow us to reheat our freeze-dried meals. There aren’t any in Kendari, we have to fly them from Jakarta. The mission will not be able to start until this valuable equipment arrives.
Launching an expedition is always quite an adventure !