In 2018, Naturevolution started a beekeeping activity in villages located near the Makay massif in Madagascar. This pilot project, which was supported by theAgency for Micro-Projects, of the Insolites Bâtisseurs foundation – Philippe Roméro, of the corporate concierge company well-being ‘à la carte’ and many individual donors, aims to train 15 beekeepers and 2 artisans in 4 villages in the south of the massif, and to put together the elements needed to launch a larger project. Part of the honey production will be used locally, while the other part will be sold through a first chain of hotels and restaurants in Madagascar, thus generating additional income for the new beekeepers in Makay.
Join us on this beautiful project and support our crowdfunding campaign with a donation.
To better understand this project and how it fits into our Makay Forest Conservation Program, we offer the following content:
- beekeeping in Madagascar, an opening to the Malagasy beekeeping world
- the key points and challenges of this pilot project for the development of beekeeping in Makay
- The story of the first activities carried out as part of this beekeeping project in the first half of 2018.