Madagascar – In the summer of 2018, two of Naturevolution’s field missions to protect the Makay massif in Madagascar were accompanied by eco-volunteers. Back on these missions and the actions carried out thanks to the presence of 15 people.
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At the end of 2019, we completed the construction of two new schools in the villages of North Makay, which will greatly improve the schooling of children in Makay. Short detour through the country schools of Madagascar.
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Naturevolution launches an ambitious reforestation project around the villages of Makay. 2019 will have seen the creation of 5 forest nurseries, the sowing of almost 100,000 seeds – without the use of plastic pots! – and the replanting of the first few hundred trees.
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In the summer of 2016, Naturevolution led a scientific expedition to Greenland. Beyond the scientific objectives, the expedition aimed to use image and narration to raise awareness of the beauty and fragility of the Arctic, and the need to protect it.
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To provide quality, inclusive and equitable education to give the people of Makay the tools they need to improve their lives and achieve sustainable development. To this objective, schools will be built and equipped and teachers will be recruited and paid.
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