What to do about Acanthaster infestations?
Acanthaster infestations are one of the main threats to reefs in the Indo-Pacific region. In 2021, with our Indonesian team, we organized a workshop in Sulawesi on the management of Acanthaster infestations for diving clubs and natural resource management institutions.
We gather all the materials prepared for this training in order to share effective knowledge and practical means of action against Acanthaster outbreaks.
All these documents were produced with the help of Pascal Dumasa specialist in the Acanthaster issue at IRD in New Caledonia, and within the framework of an agreement between our local associative partners – Naturevolution Indonesia and Toli Toli Labengki Giant Clam Conservation – and local IRD representation in Jakarta.
Except for the video below, this resource center is only available in English and Indonesian. All documents are important to fully understand the dynamics of acantasthers infestations and effectively protect coral reefs.”
Summary of the Resource Center
- Introductory video: French (below) | English | Indonesian
- Acanthaster and infestation basics: English | Indonesian
- Field protocols for monitoring and intervention: English | Indonesian
- Equipment (self-made and suppliers): English | Indonesian
Video: Acantasther, a starfish’s war
Acanthaster, the war of a star – Teaser – Wed – 00:18:31 – 2018 – BORÉ Jean-Michel – IRD