We want to raise awareness of the fragility of the remote areas where we act and the need to protect them without delay, as well as to share the images of these fabulous places and the moments experienced during our expeditions.
Our media to share and raise awareness
Naturevolution conducts awareness-raising activities in France and in Europe, mainly focused on the preservation of biodiversity and the improvement of knowledge about life.
Thanks to the support of our collaborators and partners, Naturevolution is constantly spreading its messages through different media:

The scientific expeditions led by Naturevolution have been the occasion to make several documentaries and adventure films.

Five temporary or travelling exhibitions currently exist (Makay and Greenland). They are available on request.

The members of Naturevolution intervene on events (in festivals, universities or companies) to bring a message of awareness.

The photos, illustrations and experiences brought back from our expeditions have allowed the realization of a photo book and a guide to the local biodiversity.

Advocacy actions
Naturevolution joins collective advocacy efforts to bring about broad societal change, particularly on deforestation and wildlife trade.
For example:

Finally, we write articles aimed at linking individual behaviors to the environmental issues of our time.
For example:

School interventions
The multimedia documents brought back from our expeditions allow us to propose educational interventions (from kindergarten to universities) as well as resources for teachers.
Our awareness raising projects
Because we protect what we love and we love what we marvel at, we carry out awareness-raising projects in France and in our fields of action.